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Featuring Pádraic Keane
Padraic Keane In Full Tune
Beo Album
Rogha Raelach
Tunes in the Church Album
Featuring Aidan Connolly
Aidan Connolly The Portland Bow
Aidan Connolly and John Daly
Aidan Connolly Be Off
Featuring Fergus McGorman
Fergus McGorman Sweeping the Cobwebs Out of the Sky
Featuring Ruairí McGorman
Ruairí has not yet recorded a solo album however is a prolific accompanist and can be heard on the following albums:

Ado Barker - 'Between Up and Down'
John Blake - 'The Narrow Edge'

Paudie O'Connor & Aoife O'Keefe - 'Didn't She Dance and Dance'
Aidan Connolly - 'Be Off'
Jack Talty - 'In Flow'
Dan Brouder & Angelina Carberry - 'A Waltz for Joy'
Fergus McGorman - 'Sweeping the Cobwebs Out of the Sky'
Aidan Connolly - 'The Portland Bow'
Brenda Castles - 'The Light Side of the Tune'
Dan Brouder & Angelina Carberry - 'Back in Time'
Diarmuid Ó Meachair - 'Siúl na Slí'
Diarmuid Ó Meachair - 'Melodeon Medleys'

Keane Connolly McGorman - 'Keane Connolly McGorman'
Andrea Palandri - 'An Veidhlín Muimhneach'
Arts Council Ireland Logo
Raelach Records Logo

Photography by Maurice Gunning


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